Challenge Accepted!

Can you believe it’s been about 18 months since the last time I posted on this blog?

I’ve never been much of a New Year’s resolution kind of person, but I can be easily influenced by TikTok so I made it a point this year to take some time to reflect on 2023 and set some goals for 2024. I did the whole nine yards (and more) – I determined 5 categories, listed out 3-4 goals for each one, and then mapped out quarterly and monthly sub-goals and tasks. I even made a color-coded Google Excel! To be honest, I am a little nervous about sticking to these goals for a whole year, but it’s helpful to see them broken down into the smaller increments and setting up checkpoints for myself to make sure I’m staying on track and adjusting as needed. 2023 was eventful to say the least, including my bachelorette party, wedding, and honeymoon, but if there is one reflection I have had, it is that I am worth putting in the work to prioritize myself.

When it came to deciding on my “Creative Projects” goals, I thought back to my 30 Day Home Chef Challenge. Unsurprisingly, trying to make a recipe, photograph, video record, video edit, and post on here, Instagram, and TikTok all in one day for 30 days straight burnt me out. Like Icarus, I aimed too high. This time, I am giving myself some breathing room with my brand-spanking new 52 Week Challenge.

The challenge is simple: every week of 2024, I must attempt a recipe for a dish I have never made before and post about it. Since we live in a digital age, I will also be documenting the progress on Instagram and TikTok. Literally and figuratively, I dusted off my ol’ ring light tripod and made my first recipe today for which I will post about tomorrow, so stay tuned! And happy 2024!

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