Today’s theme, “Christmas party vibes,” is exactly that with these sugar cookies. I love hosting parties and get-togethers, and thought the perfect activity for my upcoming Christmas party would be decorating sugar cookies. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s treat which will also be featured at my Christmas party!
The recipe I used for these sugar cookies came from Tasty because they claim that these are THE best sugar cookies and I have to say, I’m actually quite impressed. My first taste was quite an experience – slightly sweet and salty at first and then comes the zing! They smell so strongly of almond extract that I thought it would taste like an almond cookie but it actually doesn’t overpower. And then the icing – oh my goodness. I slathered some icing on a couple to try and wow. The cookie and icing pair so well together!
You can watch me fumble through making these sugar cookies in my TikTok. The trickiest parts are making sure that the butter and sugar are creamed well together and making sure that the dough is cold so you don’t have slimy dough which cause your cookies to deform like mine did. I used a specific brand of organic cane sugar which I had hoped wouldn’t cause any issues, but ending up not creaming with the butter as much as I would have liked. Also, I stored the dough in the fridge as a thick slab and I was a little impatient, so it may not have cooled down as much as it should have because the cookie shapes did not hold…You live and you learn. They did start out looking very cute though.

As much of a struggle this was, I feel very accomplished for making these sugar cookies from scratch. I’ve never made sugar cookies before because I’ll admit, I don’t have an affinity for them, but I am actually motivated now to try to this again at a later point and get better at making them.

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